How does workspace influence work performance?

There are many factors that influence employee productivity. Team leader leadership, personal motivation, salary, workspace, etc. Although each worker has a different way of functioning, achieving a satisfactory environment for most is a challenge that organizations must face.

Professionals need comfortable environments. Ecosystems in which they are able to concentrate and achieve their goals. These not only have a direct impact on performance, but also on turnover and absenteeism. Therefore, it also ends up affecting the bottom line of the organization.

How to create an ideal work space

Although each person has his or her personal preferences, there are aspects common to the vast majority of workers. An ideal workspace should have all the necessary tools for the performance of their work. In addition, it should be a quiet and friendly environment.

Large companies, especially in the technology sector, have become aware of this. The offices of technology giants such as Meta, Google or Amazon have recreational spaces where employees can relax. While this is an incentive to perform at their best, it is not the only thing to take into account.

There are several factors that play a role in creating a productive workspace:

- Functional spaces. The physical organization of offices has changed. They are no longer immobile places where everyone has an assigned position. Workspaces are dynamic and adapt to new trends, such as hybrid work, and employee needs.

Collaborative spaces have replaced isolated offices. This improves interaction between workers and leads to closer working relationships. Companies thus manage their resources more efficiently and sustainably.

- Noise. The quieter an office is, the greater the concentration of those who work there. Considered a pollutant of the work environment, noise can cause health problems for those who are most exposed to it.

Each worker has his or her own tolerance level with respect to noise. Some can be productive with high levels of noise pollution, but it is recommended that work spaces be as quiet as possible.

- Lighting. One of the factors that has the greatest impact on performance. Natural light has a positive impact on those in the room. It regulates the secretion of cortisol, a hormone that provides energy for the body to function properly.

A study published by Velux claims that 82% of Spaniards say that natural light influences their mood. The data takes force if we take into account that according to The Indoor Generation, 18% of people spend between 21 and 24 hours a day indoors.

Keeping the blinds open, especially in the morning, improves the mood of employees.

- Temperature. Another issue to consider and one that creates debate among co-workers. According to the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, in summer, rooms should be between 23º and 26º Celsius. In winter, it should be lowered to an arc between 20º and 24º.

Humidity is another value to control. It should be between 30% and 70%. In summer, since the air conditioning dries out the environment, it is advisable that it does not go below 50%.

- Air quality. Ignored by some organizations, it also influences the quality of life in workplaces. These spaces must be properly ventilated to avoid overloading the environment.

Technology to improve workspaces

The rise of hybrid work has brought technologies to the forefront of workspace organization. Many employees are free to decide how and when they commute to their offices. This has made it necessary to rethink the entire system, as it is essential to know the occupancy rates of these environments.

There are technological solutions that make it possible not only to reserve workspaces, but also meeting rooms. In this way, it is possible to know in advance which rooms and workstations are going to be used during the day. Other applications go further and even make it possible to do the same with parking spaces in organizations.

In this new scenario, data and analytics are essential. Knowing what spaces are available each day allows organizations to operate more effectively. It is curious how rooms reserved two weeks in advance are only used 20% of the time. Managing their use in real time means that they are not wasted.

In this way, many companies are managing to optimize their resources. More and more companies are reducing their fixed costs by requiring less space to carry out the necessary actions and accommodate their workforces.

Workspaces have gone from being static to dynamic. Knowing how to make the most of them not only improves productivity, but also the bottom line of organizations.

How does architecture influence workspaces?

The so-called psychology of space argues that the places in which we work and live alter our feelings and behaviors. The design and distribution of interiors affects the way we work, influencing the productivity of organizations.

A very clear example is the views from the windows. These can directly influence employees' ability to concentrate. If they overlook busy streets, employees will be more easily distracted. On the other hand, if they look out onto quieter views, it will help to create a good working environment.

According to Emily Anthes, author of The great indoors: the surprising science of how buildings shape our behavior, health, and happiness, exposure to nature has positive effects. It reduces stress, improves productivity and creates better working relationships.

Especially in urban environments, it is advisable to have indoor plants. They should be well distributed throughout the space and avoid overcrowding, which could have the opposite effect to the desired one.

The pandemic has changed the way of thinking in this regard. The creation of healthier workspaces has become more important following the impact of covid-19. The buildings in which we work and spend much of our day have since been rethought.

What changes can be made to improve workspaces?

With a very low budget, you can transform an office and create a more suitable work climate. Pay attention to these elements:

- Colors. Light tones improve work performance. They make light, whether artificial or natural, reflect more easily throughout the office. On the other hand, darker colors increase the feeling of monotony and boredom.

- White spaces. Creating boards or installing whiteboards where employees can unleash their creativity is another option for improving workspaces.

- Furniture. Furniture can also work in favor of organizations. Acquiring chairs and desks according to the needs of each position improves productivity. It is also advisable to get rid of outdated or unused pieces.

What can employees do to feel more comfortable?

To create more productive workspaces, not everything depends on environmental factors. Workers themselves can also contribute to improving the ecosystem in which they work and interact. There are several options that improve their quality of life during their workday:

- Personal touch. Employees should feel free to incorporate elements of their own at their desks. They spend about eight hours a day in these workspaces and any personal choice can make them feel more comfortable.

- Food. Energy wanes throughout the day, especially on the hardest days. Being able to keep any snacks in the desk drawer helps combat these productivity valleys.

- Inspiration. Everyone finds motivation in different elements. Family photos, amulets, symbols, etc. Surrounding yourself with them can have a very positive effect as long as they don't take up useful surface area to perform their assigned functions.

- Clean space. Order and cleanliness also help workers to concentrate on their work. A cluttered and messy workspace is discouraging. Keeping only the essentials on the desk helps concentration.

Towards new work models

The flexibilization of the office environment means that organizations are facing new challenges. Workspaces have ceased to be a static environment and have become dynamic and adaptable organisms. In this new scenario, it is essential to have offices that are optimized to the needs of each company.

Technology has become an ally in making hybrid work a success. Thanks to new solutions, it is possible to reserve workstations, request the use of shared rooms or even reserve parking spaces.

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