Work Automation is bursting onto the scene

A few weeks ago, Bookker’s CMO, José Luis Casal, told Disruptores + Innovadores that it will soon be impossible to get bored at work. What does this mean? Thanks to technologies such as automation process, we have the possibility to leave behind monotonous and repetitive tasks, to dedicate our time to new ways of working, unleashing creativity and innovation.

It is unquestionable that, after a year of uncertainty due to the global pandemic, the future remains vague. We are in full swing of models and trends, so companies are working on what works for them, what doesn't, and how to apply changes taking into account their particular situation.

In this sense, the World Economic Forum (WEF) in its report The Future of Jobs Report 2020, analyzes the current economic crisis and foresees what the jobs and skills required will be like in the next five years. The automation of work has a lot to contribute, as stated in the document.

The pandemic has accelerated Automation

Some of the jobs that were lost during the pandemic will never return, and those that are kept will require new ways of working and new skills.

Due to the impact of Covid-19, in Spain, 92.9% of the surveyed companies stated that it will accelerate the digitization of their processes and 64.3% will increase work automation.

Regarding this trend, it is estimated that within four years, 85 million jobs will disappear. However, the WEF report takes a positive point of view and points out that 97 million new jobs will emerge in their place.

These new positions will be better suited to the division of labor between humans, machines, and algorithms. The new labor normality will allow employees to work with greater autonomy and tranquility, therefore being more efficient in their work.

More training and professional retraining

With the increase in technology and automation of work, jobs are increasingly linked to artificial intelligence and data.

Big Data, Cloud Computing, E-commerce, Artificial Intelligence, and the development and management of robots and algorithms, are becoming fundamental for all companies.

Given this situation, the need for training and professional retraining skyrocketed. It should be noted that after the pandemic, Big Data specialists are the most demanded professionals by Spanish companies.

Digital professions have a great future and, until they are fully specialized, the skills most in-demand by companies are mainly classified into four types:

  • Problem-solving 
  • Self-management
  • Working with people
  • Technological development and use

Workspace management

The new work tools require a re-adaptation of the spaces and an evolution to a more intelligent office concept.

We are heading towards Smart Working: a new work methodology based on giving employees the necessary tools to achieve maximum professional performance anywhere.

On the other hand, the increase in teleworking added to the increase in external hiring (freelance) for specialized tasks, also influences when, where, and how to work. A revolution that companies must join and for which incorporating space management solutions becomes essential.

The objective is to respond at all times to the growing need for flexibility in companies, guaranteeing safety, effectiveness, and the responsible and efficient use of the resources available.

Balanced Automation

Although workplace estimates risk varies, economists agree that automation and artificial intelligence technologies will continue to transform the nature of work.

To take advantage of the momentum and make it positive and increase the competitiveness of the company, it is necessary to find the balance and understand the workers' motivations. The best way to incorporate automation in companies is through collaborative work and the access to the necessary training.

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