Augmented Reality. Present and Future

Remember the scene in Back to the Future II where a holographic shark pounces on a terrified Marty McFly? Well, that's the effect of augmented reality: spectacular. That's why it plays a key role in the field of entertainment. But no lesser is the impact that this technology is having on many other fields of human, cultural and industrial activity. And this without the need for the complex technical requirements of holography, but with the use of special glasses, and even with the tablet or mobile phone itself.

What is augmented reality?

AR (augmented reality) is a combination of technologies that integrate virtual reality into physical reality to offer high levels of interactivity and usability. Unlike virtual reality (VR), which aims to fully immerse the user in a virtual world, AR is characterised by the integration of this virtual world into the physical world. Mixed reality (MR), on the other hand, combines the two into a single experience.

AR introduces virtual (digital) elements with real elements, and does so in real time, adapting to the physical environment and interacting with any physical element in two or three dimensions.

One of the most widespread and valued concepts in our society is digital transformation, especially in terms of business development. Competitiveness, efficiency and innovation are elements linked to digital transformation, and it is here where AR has become a tool whose importance has been proven, in many cases, decisive. If in 2021 the global AR market moved almost $28 million worldwide, by 2028 the figure is expected to increase to $252 million. (Source: Research and Market)

What technical conditions does AR require?

It is an immensely versatile technology for which new and exciting applications are being found every day, and the applications already found and proven are constantly evolving and developing. As is the case with virtual reality and mixed reality, AR also requires a combination of different technologies that call for the use of both software and hardware, and given that the market offers an increasingly wide variety of systems and solutions, the choice of one or the other will depend strictly on the suitability of the chosen system for the objectives sought.

For example: the famous glasses. Thanks to the rapid evolution of technology, the need for glasses or a stereoscopic visual system, essential for VR and often also for MRI, finds alternatives in AR. For this, there is a variety of technologies known as WebAR, i.e. augmented reality via the web, which allows AR content to be displayed on the camera of a mobile device, tablet or directly on the web, from any of the most common browsers. This essentially allows the use of AR solutions without the need for additional hardware or software, which in some cases can be complemented by simply downloading an app.

What are the applications of AR?

Although the most recognisable applications of AR are in the fields of show business, entertainment and the media, the truth is that its use is spreading, with surprising results, to all areas of business, cultural and scientific activity: education, fashion and textiles, real estate, and in general all product and service development as well as communication and marketing strategies.


Augmented reality has proved critical in the retail sector by introducing a new and revolutionary paradigm that improves the shopping experience both in the physical shop and at home or, in fact, from anywhere with an internet connection. In-store, it facilitates access to products and services by extending all kinds of information. Remotely, it allows virtual applications of the same products and services that facilitate their knowledge and implementation.


Medicine is undoubtedly one of the fields that is making the most of the technological revolution, and in particular the possibilities offered by VR, AR and MRI. Thanks to them, previously unsuspected horizons have opened up in the field of research, and in the case of AR, multiple applications now allow advances in surgery, in the detection of cancer cells, greater precision in punctures and injections, correction of visual deficiencies, and a long etc.


The truth is that the possibility of virtually anticipating the behaviour of objects and activities in the physical world is in itself an energy saving (it promotes online sales and access to products and services), and thus AR offers tools to predict energy efficiency. For example: testing, in an empty space, lighting installations, household appliances and other electronic elements, calculating their consumption without the need for prior installations. With this information, the corresponding electricity or gas tariff can be checked entirely virtually.


The impact of AR on industrial operational efficiency has not been minor. Almost every aspect of work and development processes can be reproduced virtually, such as the detailed elements of a material search, the order of shipments, the operation of a machine and in general the monitoring of any moment of general operations. The levels of savings, predictability and efficiency thus obtained are essential to sustain the activity.

AR at Bookker

At Bookker, AR is a tool for the efficient and sustainable management of organisational resources in the company: meeting spaces, workstations and parking spaces. The applications developed make it possible to exponentially increase organisational efficiency from work models (integration of the traditional model and teleworking), the allocation of desks according to the needs of individuals or entire teams (hot desking), management of meeting spaces and workstations, efficient inclusion of external professionals, mobility in general, and all of this optimised with rewards (gamification).

Who is already taking advantage of Bookker solutions?

Bookker already offers its augmented reality solutions for organisational efficiency to companies such as Google, aws, Microsoft, Telefónica, graffter, ApliCAD, Kabel, Alcorce, Vass, acians, stratesys or Italtel. Join us!

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