
Bookings for any resource category require a check-in via the app to confirm that the resource is being used, unless the organization has set the check-in as optional for that resource category

Last update
March 18, 2021

Booking check-in

The check-in period will be available before and after the booking start time and will be determined by the organization for each resource category. Bookings that have entered the check-in period will be marked as Pending.

Bookings where a check-in was not completed by the end time established for this, will expire and the resource will be available to other users of the organization to be booked.

You can check-in in different ways:

From the home screen

The bookings for the current day are available from the Home screen. If you click on the record of a booking there are several actions available: check-in, view map and view booking request.

The check-in option will be available as long as it is set as mandatory by the organization and you are within the timeframe period established for check-in. If you click on the option, Bookker will ask for confirmation to set this booking as started (it will be marked as Active).


Your organization may not allow direct check-in from the webapp. In this case it is necessary to check-in via the link provided to you via the email received after creating the booking. This link will take you to a Bookker url where you can insert your email. Once the user is recognized, your device's camera will be activated to scan the resource's postercode and check in.

From the booking record

The booking record is the view that shows us the details of the booking and all available actions depending on who the organizer is.

You can access a booking record in two ways:

  • If it is a current day booking, from the home screen. You must click on the booking record and then View booking request.
  • From the Bookings section, clicking on the booking record.

Once in the record, if the check-in period has started, a button will be available that will allow you to do so, activating the scanner from the camera of your device so you can point towards the postercode of the resource. If the postercode is the correct one,the booking will start (it will be marked as Active).

Check-in of supervised bookings

For supervised bookings each assigned user will check in to their corresponding desk (you will have this option similar to other bookings). However, if you are the supervisor, you will be able to check in each user/desk separately and without using the scanner.

To do this, you must access the Bookings section and filter by Supervised, where you will see those supervised by you. By clicking on one of the bookings you will access its record with all the details, where you can view each user and their assigned desk. From this view you can check in each of them if the check-in period has started.

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