First steps

The tool to efficiently manage all the resources of your organization

Última actualización el
August 2, 2021

As a super-organizer of your organization you have access to the Bookker management panel, the web tool that will allow you to manage all the resources of the organization and the use that all its members make through the Bookker app.

Access to the management panel

To access the Bookker management panel from the browser we will do so through the following url:

Once there, we can access by entering our email associated with a Bookker account and the access password (1), or from the Microsoft Login screen (2) if the organization is associated to Microsoft.

In case we have forgotten the password (3) we can enter our email address to receive a link that will allow us to generate a new access password. 

This will only be possible if you are already registered with Bookker as a super organizer.

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