What is the difference between user account and email?
The same person is allowed to have different user accounts in different organizations. This person could have the same "EMAIL" in different organizations but must have a unique "USER ACCOUNT" globally in Bookker.
The user account is used to access the Bookker application and therefore also for password recovery.
The email is used to receive notifications.
The user is shown what his "email" and "user account" are both in the app and in webapp within the user profile: "My Profile" --> View "My personal information".
View in Bookker mobile app
View in Bookker webapp
The user is shown what their "user account" is in the management panel within the user profile.
The "user account" and "email" fields, for native organisations are mandatory, but do not have to be the same.
GOOGLE: Both the"email" and the "user account" fields must contain the same value.
The "User account" field is read-only and a copy of the "email" field in organisations with Google authentication.
MICROSOFT: You can edit both fields.
The "user account" and "email" fields are mandatory in organisations with MS authentication, but do not have to be the same.
Note: User data is automatically synchronized in auto-registration or with the user synchronization service and when authenticating or using the apps/webapp.