How to book a seat at your canteen/dining area
How it works:
Click on the Canteen icon on the home screen to fill out the canteen booking form:
• The building shown is by default your preferred location. You can change this as required.
• The date shown by default is the current date. You can change the date as required.
• You may make bookings X number of days in advance. This is defined by your organization. Please check with the administrators.
• Canteen shifts are shown with the duration of each one.
• You can view the availability of seats in each shift.
• You can make a random booking (automated seat allocation) or search and select a specific seat. This is defined by your organization. Please check with the administrators.
• Once at the seat, if check-in is required (again defined by your organization), you will have to check-in to confirm the occupation and allow traceability.
• If check-in is required, the seatwill be released automatically if check-in is not done in the time specified by your organization.
• If you do not occupy your seat, you can cancel it so another user can book it as it becomes available on that shift.
• You can also edit your booking and view the seat on the map at any time.